we are working on something very interesting!

you can get in touch with us: contact @ zupereye.com

Friday, 20th of June 2014, at the FIE Gala, we received the Award for Academic Excellence, offered by the Technical University "Gh. Asachi" from Iasi and presented by the Minister of Education, Mr. Remus Pricopie.

"What we achieved is not only a student and engineering endeavor but also a project that brings hope for people with neuro-motor disabilities."

Articles about us:

  1. [Video] Excelence prize at International Education Festival
  2. [Video] zuperEye on PROTV
  3. [Video] zuperEye on TVR
  4. [Article] zuperEye on Mediafax
  5. [Article] Testimonials from our first immobilized patient, Alex Luchici
  6. [Article] zuperEye brings hope for people in need
  7. [Article] zuperEye on Digi24
  8. [Article] zuperEye on yahoo news
  9. [Article] Opinia Studenteasca